Health promotion and consumer awareness programs
- National Board Certified, Health and Wellness Coach
- Associate Director, Special Projects, The Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition, University of Arizona, College of Medicine
- Certified Wellness Coach/Coach in Practice. WellCoaches Corporation
- Health Centered Living, consulting and project development
- Vice President of Corporate Health Development, Canyon Ranch Developments
- Director of Program Development for Campbell’s Institute for Health and Fitness, Campbell Soup Company
- Director of Health and Fitness, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, Government Products Division
- International program development projects in Canada, Japan, Singapore, Brazil and Germany
Health, fitness, and wellness information for the general public
- Developer, state employee health promotion program, Office of the Governor, State of Florida
- National media spokesperson, Quaker Rice Cakes and V8® beverages
- Co-director of the Tucson Challenge, a community physical activity and weight loss project
- Leadership team, Healthy Tucson Initiative Task Force
- Program director, 1992 Great American Workout at the White House for President and Mrs. George Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Clinician, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
- Special consultant, marketing and development, “Fit to Win” wellness modules, US Army-Europe
- Member, US Expert Civilian Task Force on Health Promotion, Pentagon
- Senior interventionist and co-investigator, National Institutes of Health research projects: weight loss, worksite wellness, childhood obesity, adolescent girls’ physical activity, and the effects of exercise on bone mass and osteoporosis
- Author, Reshaping Your Body, Rethinking Your Mind: a book and correspondence course addressing weight loss, body image, and self-esteem issues for women
- Co-author, The BEST Exercise Program for Osteoporosis Prevention
- Former associate editor-at-large, “SHAPE” magazine
- Former associate editor, “Workplace Health and Fitness in Business” professional journal
- Over 55 published research articles
Professional Affiliations
- Health & Wellness Board of Advisors, Institute of Coaching @ McClean Hospital, affiliate of Harvard Medical School
- Board of directors, International Association for Worksite Health Promotion
- American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Summit Program Committee
- Advisory Board, Wellness Councils of Arizona
- Advisor and Diplomat, Medical Wellness Association
- Past president, Association for Worksite Health Promotion
- Past president, National Fitness Leaders Association
- Former board member, American Running and Fitness Association
- Former board member, National Association of Governor’s Councils on Physical Fitness and Sports
Recognition, Awards
- Glenn Swengros Memorial Leadership Award, National Association for Health Fitness
- National award recipient for contributions in health promotion, US Jaycees and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (Healthy American Fitness Leader)
- Governor’s award for service to Floridians, Florida Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
- Business and Industry Award for an outstanding worksite health promotion program (with colleagues at Campbell Soup), Association for Worksite Health Promotion
- Recipient, Winston Churchill Fellowship Commendation, an expression of appreciation from the representatives of the UK for leadership and support of an international worksite health promotion effort
- Mentor/Supervisor, Integrative Health Coaching, Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona
- Adjunct faculty, California Institute of Integral Studies
- Faculty, Associate Director for Special Projects for the Center for Physical Activity and Nutrition, University of Arizona, College of Medicine
- Adjunct faculty, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point
- Florida State University, M.S., Administration, supervision, and curriculum development of health promotion: research focus: the effect of exercise on self-concept, body image, and job satisfaction
- University of Miami, B.E.D., Health and Physical Education
Personal: Lauve Metcalfe “walks her talk”
Lauve has had a strong passion for physical activity her entire life. Much of her awareness of the value of activity and its role in developing a sense of accomplishment, either individually or within a team, was created during her years at the University of Miami where she was a member of the intercollegiate women’s volleyball, softball, and basketball teams. Since college, she has completed 6 marathons, over 20 triathlons, cycled across the mainland of Greece, finished the Swiss Alpine Mountain Run, and the El Tour de Tucson.
Lauve continues to be active on a regular basis, challenging herself by cycling and climbing mountains throughout the United States and in exotic places such as Bulgaria, Austria, Greece, Patagonia, the Maritime Alps (bordering France and Italy), Mont Blanc, the Dolomites, and the Pyrenees.