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Lauve Metcalfe’s inspiring keynotes and workshops are characterized by their wisdom, warmth, and energy. Each program is tailored to meet the needs of the audience to empower them to take charge of their health and accept the challenge of being an active participant in their life choices.

As a lifestyle “edutainer”, her humor, wit, and unique story-telling approach bring to life the skills and attitudes that individuals, groups, and organizations need to develop healthy behaviors and create a positive outlook on life. Lauve seamlessly blends psychological, social, and environmental elements into her presentations to help people answer the critical question: “Why don’t I take better care of myself?” As a key part of her educational presentations, Lauve also performs “wellness” theater, based on her one-woman show “Five Snapshots of Life.” Her characters inspire audiences to look at their lives in new ways, giving them permission to live their best lives.


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